Testimonial Stories


James Allen once said, "Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom."  

In the words of Brenda Eshin Shoshanna, "No matter how conditions change, we remain stable, and the precious jewel (diamond) we are, begins to shine all by itself. We wake up the one shining within and the entire world is illuminated."

Check out wonderful podcasts: Zen Wisdom For Your Everyday Life and Best Self Books by Dr. Brenda Shoshanna 

Instagram: @zenlife7


 “Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”

This concept was initially taught to me awhile back while working with Michi... however I came to understand it on a greater level when I was presented with situations that were essential I respond calmly in the eye of the storm.  

As a realtor, I deal with ups and downs of the industry quite often.  As always in life, we are given the choice how to respond to a stressful situation.  Sometimes it's difficult to get ourselves into peace mode... we can easily think the worst and see disaster ...but with a single breath meditation, using my mindful posture tool, (the miracle diamond of mindfulness) and choosing to shift from fear to love...allows for a clear mind and peaceful heart  in the eye of the storm.  Don't get me wrong...the outside noise is still there...but we can go within and find our center superpowered by 3Gs Grounded, Grateful, and Gorgeous so that we aren't distracted by the chaos around us. That way when we do respond ... we are at our best and have that clarity to handle whatever life presents.  


Jill @pmzrealtorjill and I at her home in Ripon, California in the Spring, 2017.

Joey’s Praise: ”Michiko’s great grandfather, Sokei-an once said, ”Zen is daily life.” She simplified meditation for me and in turn made dealing with daily events in life a lot easier to deal with. There are many things to be grateful for including obstacles as well as the gifts of life. ” Joey Alberto Santiago

Instagram: @joeyalbertosantiago

(read more about Joey and Grace, check out previous blog, 'finding my hallelujah voice')

In ”Zen Odyssey, The Story of Sokei-an, Ruth Fuller Sasaki, and the Birth of Zen in America”, my great grandpa, Sokei-an mentions repeatedly his koan, ”Zen is daily life.” 🖤

Koans go beyond logic, they’re only understood intuitively and experientially. To clarify, it’s living our art or practice of ”everyday enlightenment”, according to my friend, author of ”Peaceful Warrior, and Everyday Enlightenment”, Dan Millman.


  "The still water reflects the moon and a little star magic." Funzen saying

"I use my 3Gs to be grounded with mindful posture, breath, grateful, and gorgeous, classy and badassy. They are my superpowers as a FunZen girl at heart to keep calm, focused, present not perfect, and diamond sharp with fearless confidence." - Grace Sakura Rolek, voice actor, actress, singer @grace_rolek


"A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles." Unknown

 I repeatedly thank my lucky stars that a mutual friend Michaela Dietz, who is the voice of Amethyst on Steven Universe, introduced me to author and life coach Michiko Rolek.  At the time I met Michiko my daughter Isabelle was 8-months-old and I was struggling with postpartum depression. It was one of the lowest points of my life and meeting Michiko was an enlightening experience; she was a bright light that shone through the darkness. I began learning about daily roots and wings and coaching with her after that first meeting. I vividly remember sitting across from her at Starbucks when she asked me life changing questions after I had shared about Isabelle's colic and our struggles with bedtime and sleep. I learned how to relax and  breathe to get grounded and release stress. I'm grateful to practice reaching stillness in the daily storms of life. I celebrate finding gorgeous moments to share ”MOMfulness” with other mom's like Amy Fukuizumi, who says, ”I've been waking every morning repeating my mindful mantra,  'I am grateful for being grounded in my gorgeous spirit' and every day...has been a little bit of magic.”  #selflovebalm

Starbucks MOMents <3 with Melissa Scanlon @zenmommanature and Amy Fukuizumi @amyfukuizumi and myself. @m.j.rolek

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Momfulness: Mothering with Mindfulness, Compassion, and Grace Book by Denise Roy